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Help finding records for the correct San Sebastian, Jalisco

By Candy - Posted on 04 June 2007

Hello, I am new to this site so please excuse my ignorance in researching Mexican records. I am familiar with the record system in southern Italy but I have no clue about searching records in Jalisco. I would appreciate any help in learning how the births, deaths, and marriages were reported in Jalisco during the late 1800s. I think that there were prebably two records of each event; one civil and one church. I wonder if the records were kept in each village or were they sent to a bigger, centralized location?

Although I am the one doing the searching, I am doing it for my friend, Edward Bedoya Plazola. He was born in 1934 in Azusa, California a few months after his father died. Although he was the youngest of 14 children, the family didn't talk that much about his father becuase his mother soon remarried.

From bits of family lore and facts that I have dug up, this is what we know. Domingo Gonzales Plazola was born in 1889 in San Sebastian, Jalisco, Mexico. He was the son of unknown Plazola and Jacinta Gassia? Gonzalez born about 1860. We know that Domingo had a sister, Guadalupe who married a Vasquez, and brother Luis (b 18892). I am sure that there were more siblings. Luis settled in Corcoran, California. It's unknown if Guadalupe lived in the US but many of her children also lived near Corcoran. Jacinta Gonzalez arrived in the US about 1919. She also lived in Corcoran.

Domingo, Ed's father, was involved in the Revolution. About 1916, he felt threatened and decided to go to Arizona. He bagan using the the name, Domingo Gonzalez. He worked in the mines in Ray, Arizona. About 1920 he and his family moved to California.

I would like to find the birth, marriage, and deth records in Jalsico. Ed was told that he father was from San Sebastian near Guadalajara. I found two San Sebastians just south of the city but I can not figure out if both these villages were in existence during the 1880s and where the records might be. There are at leat two other San Sebastians in Jalisco. I have sent for some Family History films for two of the four.

If anyone can direct me to source for learning about the divisons of the Mexican states and record keeping, I would be grateful. As I said, I am new to this site and Mexican research so I am open to any help. If I am asking inappropriate questions, please forgive me.

Candis Carbone