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Defunciones - translation help needed

By nc_coleman - Posted on 17 May 2007

I have been reading a film of DEFUNCIONES (a document form I had never bothered to read before), and had questions on some of the causes of death, which were not listed in my small dictionary. Can anyone provide a description for any of the following terms?

- affecion organica del corazon
- congeston cerebral
- eclampsia or eclamsia (I think these are the same thing; this seems to occur in newborns, mostly under 6 hours after birth); I am aware of a condition in pregnant women called pre- clampsia (not sure of spelling)
- entesites
- fiebre poludica
- los ferina
- hemotisis
- lepra
- parto
- pulmonia
- pristula maligna
- piguete/piquete de alacran

These spellings are based on what I figured I was reading - not all of the handwriting was easily read.
These causes of death were on records from the year 1900.
LDS film # 1081927: Registro Civil, Valparaiso, Zacatecas, 1900-1903
FYI: I was searching for persons surnamed CASTRO and DUEÑAS

Natalie in VA