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2nd try - Las Mananitas Translation

By meef98367 - Posted on 13 May 2007

The mañanitas (poetic translation)

These are the lovely little psalms that were sung by King David. Today we sing them to a loved one who happy will be. Wake up this early morning and the sun you will see. As the moon leaves us this morning all the birds they will sing. How beautiful is the morning that I come to share with you. We all come in celebration of this special day just for you. The day it is a dawning and the light of day has come. Awaken early this morning to see all that we have done.

The Little Mornings (Literal translation)

These are the little mornings that sang the King David, today for being day of your saint we sing them to you. Wake up my love wake up look that sunrise has come, already the litttle birds sing the moon already has set. How pretty is the morning that I come on to greet you. We come all with gladness and pleasure to congratulate you. Already comes the sunrise already the light of day has touched us. Get up of morning look that sunrise has come.


El día en que tu naciste, nacieron todas las flores y en la pila del bautismo cantaron los ruiseñores.

Quisiera ser un San Juan, quisiera ser un San Pedro, para venirte a cantar con la música del cielo.

De las estrellas del cielo quisiera bajarte dos; una para saludarte y otra para decirte adiós.