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The Function of the Group Continues Because. . .

By makas_nc - Posted on 25 January 2007

the site continues because of the hard work and
dedication of its volunteers: Kitty Cortez, Alicia Carrillo, John
Gonzalez, and Enrique Legaspi. It sounds like there will be others who
are joining in to do the work as well soon.

We all know the great work that Arturo has done with the website and a
continued thanks go to him for his efforts. Muchisimas Arturo!

I just wanted to publicly thanks John Gonzalez and Enrique Legaspi for
their help in doing Translation work for me when I needed something to
be said "correctly." You all have seen that my written Spanish is
terrible and these two gentlemen have stepped up to help me greatly and
I'm counting on them to help in the future. Thank you John and thank you

I wanted to point out two special volunteers whose efforts are going
unnoticed by the members of the group but without their help the burden
of the workload would have destroyed my will to continue on in the group
as one of the Moderators:

1) Alicia Carrillo: Our Spam Master. She is the one that allows or
disallows Spam from getting to the group. Have you noticed how the site gets no spam? Well it is sent to a special
folder where on a daily basis Alicia goes in and deletes all the spam
and hunts for the misc. message that a new member will send before they
reply to those three confirmation emails that we must all reply to
before being allowed to send messages to the lists. Anyway this job in
this day and age is very needed and time consuming. I was stressing
about it and Alicia came to the rescue and has helped greatly in
assuring that no legitimate messages get tossed out with the tons of
spam the three lists receive daily. Mucha Gracias Alicia.

2) Kitty Cortez: Our Potential New Members Screener. Whenever potential
new members apply for a new account they get sent a message saying they
need to do their own research and send in their representative genealogy
to be admitted as members of the group. After about 15 days of no
response Kitty sends them an email reminding the potential new members
that in order for their membership account to be activated they need to
send in their genealogies. Then after about 30 days Kitty sends a last
message saying that if they don't reply ASAP (deadline given) their
application for membership will be deleted. I can't believe how many new
potential members are applying every week thanks to Arturo's site design
which allows the search engines to find us. This job got really out of
hand and I was straining under the load of doing it until Kitty
volunteered to help. Thank you thank you thank you, Kitty!

I can't express how much I appreciate the efforts of Alicia, Kitty,
John, and Enrique. Having said that I don't want them to think that I'm
just assuming they will do this job forever (it would be okay with me if
they wanted to do it forever). Arturo has already made a call for new
volunteers to help with some projects he has lined up and I want other
members to keep in mind that I might need help from you in possibly
assisting Alicia and Kitty. Now they are Trojans and have not asked for
any help and I won't be interfering with their efforts but it is
possible that sometime in the future they might need a "break" or
assistance. So I want all of you to think of getting on my list of
people that I can potentially call upon if I need an "on-call" volunteer.

thanks again for everyone's interest, participation and contribution to
the group.



Joseph Puentes (Environment Podcast) (Latin American History)