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Confusion: Submitting Genealogies

By makas_nc - Posted on 11 January 2007

there seems to be some confusion both with the new members and the old
members so I am going to attempt to clear it up.

To be a life time member of the group all you have to do is submit a
representative tree _once_ (only once) and nothing else will be required
of you ever (and ever).

So I don't want you all to think I'm going to be asking for more and
more and more. Just meet the initial requirement and you're in, end of

HOWEVER (however's are just like but's) however nothing says that you
all can't go wild and VOLUNTARILY upgrade and submit new files to your
folders. That is strictly on a volunteer basis.

On a related note I would ask you one favor please. If you have sent in
your genealogy and are now set for life then please wait until Feb 14th
or later before upgrading or submitting new genealogies. I'm going to
have my hands extremely full checking everyones folder and see who has
and hasn't submitted genealogies so I can be ready for the big cut on
Feb 1, 2007

I hope that clears things up. Also if you are unsure if you have or
haven't submitted a genealogy (hmmm) well here is how to find out: go to and log in, then go to the files and under members
genealogies see if you have a folder in that long list. If you do the
click on it and see if you have a genealogy file/report in there or a
link to your online work. If you have something in the folder as in a
file or report you're set if not but have submitted a gedcom you're set.
If you haven't submitted a report/file and have no link to your online
work or have not sent in your gedcom then you're falling short of
meeting the requirement and will be unsubscribed on 01 Feb 2007

email me at if you have any questions but IF you know
you've submitted something just confirm it for yourself.



Joseph Puentes (Environment Podcast) (Latin American History)