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Alicia Carrillo

By Welester - Posted on 28 December 2006

Hi Alicia ,

I'm Welester and I am currently living in Monterrey , Mexico however I am American and was born and raised in Los Angeles , Calif. and up until I moved to Monterrey I lived in Marina del Rey , Ca.
I started my family research when I was 9 yrs. old I say this because it started with my name ( Welester ) growing up in L.A. was not easy for a little mexican boy in East L.A. at first til I was in the 7th grade . All the kids would make fun of me cuz name wasn't Paul , Tommy , George or whatever and sometimes had to fight because of my name so, one day I asked my dad whom I called POP " Where did my name come from " and as fast as I asked him , he snapped back at me and said " WHY DON'T YOU LIKE IT ! " I sunk back into my seat and said " yea I like it " and that was that !
Believe it or not this is what made my want to learn more about the family .

Now , to get to some of your questions on , is the grass greener on the other side . I went to the Mormon church on Santa Monica Blvd. in L.A. about 27 yrs ago and asked for help , unfortunately in those days they were not as eager as they are today to help a non member of the church so they sent me off to the micro-film room and showed me the cabinet of films and basically said how bout . Didn't get very far and became discouraged and left .
Years later I tinkered some more but still no luck , I asked Pop about some things but he always seemed not to remember . I asked my aunt , his sister and she always painted a real sweet , beautiful picture in my mind about how it used to be , nothing else .
Now , 5 yrs. ago I sold one of my two companies and decided that I would go to Monterrey , Mexico for one year and quickly do all my family research , thinking , since I will be in Monterrey and Pop is from there it should be a breeze , right ... WRONG ! Guess again .
There are files in the archives that are damaged beyond repair , people who outright refuse to deal with you because to them you're still a gringo .

Grant you there are many many very good people , it just seems that the meanies all work for the goverment or the church . I've had to adjust alot and now know that most of it is Culture shock . Once you recognize it you can manage it much easier . I have been helped by some very nice people and I have had problems with others .
I visited the Mormon church here and asked for help , they were very helpful and still are , I think they consider me a potential future member of the church ;-)
Once they showed my how to navigate the familysearch web sight , things began to happen . I was befriended by Gregorio who is the person in charge of helping the stakes or Family History Centers to get thier genealogy centers moving . I assist him every once in awhile to these centers and do what I can to teach the members how to start thiere PAF's and in return I get help from them on my research .
I don't have much experience with other groups , I have heard about some but from my own experience NuestrosRanchos seems to me to be very professional and detailed for the serious genealogist . I admire Joseph and respect him very much for having this sight for people like me and all the others .
I kinda already answered your second question on , is it easier here or there but just incase I wasn't clear I would say no , it's not that much easier the people here are like the ones back home , pretty much not interested in thiere genealogy . I come from a family of 9 , six boys and three girls and I'm the only one interested in the search . I keep everybody posted on new finds and usually get responses like hmmm that's nice , HEY how bout them Lakers .
I am in no way saying not to come and visit the places of your ancestors by any means , I'm just saying it's nice here there are some drawbacks but more good than bad . I have had the honor of visiting Zacatecas , Zacatecas but unfortunately I was unable to do any research there. I plan on going back there this coming new year and staying a few days .

I have met several historians here like Isarel Cavazos , Arq. Jose Garza Carrillo , Gregorio Martinez and several others who have been helpful and have invited me to some of their meetings . Things are looking up here and one of the biggest things to have happened to me is to become a member of the NuestrosRanchos group from the other side , go figure I had to come to Mexico to become a member of a group from the states to advance in my search for my family , you gotta love it !

If anyone in the group is ever in Monterrey , PLEASE look me up , it would be a pleasure and an honor to meet you and to help you any way I can .

Your friend from the other DOWN UNDER ,

P.S. My grandfather was Carrillo from Chihuahua , Juarez . Arq.Jose Garza Carrillo says that two Carrillo brothers' came from Zacatecas , one went toward Nuevo Leon and the other to Chihuahua . I'm trying to connect those dots as well .

> Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2006 11:09:57 -0800> From:> To:> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Bienvenido Juan> > Juan,> > Bienvenido a Nuestros Ranchos!! Desde que Arturo tomo lo que era anteriormente el Grupo de Yahoo llamado "Ranchos" y lo convirtio en lo que hoy es "Nuestros Ranchos" han ingresado mas integrantes Mexicanos, o sea que son residentes de Mexico. He tenido la curiosidad de preguntar el porque se han interesado mas gentes de Mexico en ingresar a un grupo que funciona mas de 75% en ingles? Tambien he querido preguntar si es que existe un grupo semejante dentro de Mexico? Si es que existe, sera posible que los que andamos perdidos por el USA podriamos ser miembros de tal grupo?> > Ahora otra pregunta a todos los que viven en Mexico, creen ustedes que porque viven en Mexico se les facilita la busqueda de sus ancestros? Tienen mas recursos en cuestion de los Archivos Parroquiales y registros civiles o usan principalmente los archivos microfilmados de La Iglesia de Los Mormones? Que ventaja tienen los residentes Mexicanos que no tienen los que viven fuera de Mexico? Espero que no les moleste que haga semejantes preguntas y que no crean que es falta de respeto porque no es mi intencion. Es que he pensado que algun dia me gustaria pasar un par de meses en Mexico en mi tierra natal para dedicarme a los estudios genealogicos y no se si el esfuerzo seria valioso o no.> > Mi nombre es Alicia Carrillo y como has de saber en Los Estados Unidos Americanos la mujer deja su apellido para tomar el de su esposo. Carrillo es el apellido de mi esposo. Mi nombre de nacimiento es Alicia Avelar, Olmos, Aguayo, Ruiz y hasta hoy la mayoria de mis ancestros provienen de Nochistlan Zacatecas, Jalpa Zacatecas y Pabellon Rincon de Romos Aguascalientes y sus alrededores mas cercanos. Si es que creen que sea fructifero el estar en Mexico para hacer los estudios en Mexico, quizas intentaremos pasar unos meses durante el verano y visitar los archivos de dichos pueblos o ciudades.> > Muchas Gracias y disculpe mi gramatica en español. Aunque naci en Mexico, vivo en San José, Calif desde le edad de dos años. Nunca estudie el español y lo hablo y escribo malamente pero hago el intento, salga como salga.> > Atentamente,> Alicia Avelar Olmos de Carrillo> > > > > > > ----- Original Message ----> From: Juan Luis Gomez > To:> Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2006 11:33:42 PM> Subject: [Nuestros Ranchos] Presentarme al grupo> > > Agradezco al grupo por aceptarme participar en nuestros ranchos; espero poder entender las reglas del grupo y aprender como puedo participar. > Muchas gracias. > Juan Luis Gomez> > __________________________________________________> Correo Yahoo!> Espacio para todos tus mensajes, antivirus y antispam ¡gratis! > Regístrate ya - > -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> research(at)> > To change your subscription, log on to:>> -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- > Nuestros Ranchos Research Mailing List> > To post, send email to:> research(at)> > To change your subscription, log on to:>
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