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translation of "Hacienda de la Yegua Rusa"

By Corrine Ardoin - Posted on 12 December 2006

I worked at translating the whole message that had been posted earlier and
there were additional bits of information that may be of interest to those
researching the Martin del Campos in regards to Lagos de Moreno. At the end
of the message, it says that they think the famous Hacienda de la Yegua Rusa
was located in Lagos de Moreno. Apparently, there is a bridge on the river
near there that bears an inscription: "Este puente fue construido en Lagos y
se pasa por arriba," which my crude translating skills says it means: "This
bridge was constructed in Lagos and-" Well, the rest is hard for me to get,
but literally it would be "pass it from above," or something like that.
Anyways, the discussion about this continues in the message determining the
historical background of the bridge in regards to the origins of the Martin
del Campo family of that region.

My mother recently spoke with her aunt, a Martin del Campo, who told her
that there are lots of Martin del Campos in Guadalajara and that it was
common to ask one another which Martin del Campos you were. This is where
the story of Hacienda de la Yegua Rusa comes into play. She said that her
family would ask of other Martin del Campos they happened to meet, "de la
Yegua Rusa?" and if they replied "yes," they would be so excited and happy
to have run into someone who was also a Martin del Campo de la Yegua Rusa
like themselves. She pronounces "Yegua Rusa," as "Yay-wah Roo-sah," and it
means Russian mare.

Corrine Ardoin