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Figen and I and John Robles

By makas_nc - Posted on 26 November 2006

Figen and I have been married since 1995. . .not a real long time but
sort of. Anyway it's amazing how she and I think alike at times and at
the same time.

I had been thinking something this morning and she just piped in with
the same thought and I wanted to share it with you as it is about a
Nuestros Ranchos Member: John Robles and his group: El Son del Pueblo

Figen and I are having company later today and also next weekend. So
that means doing a clean up which usually means me doing the Kitchen and
my messed up desk and She does the lion's share of other areas though we
often split the bathrooms. . . .hmmm, I have gotten off the subject.

so anyway as we clean usually she says "why is there no music?" so today
I beat her to the punch and said "why is there no music?" and she said
she was thinking the same thing.

Now I don't like over doing my listening of any one thing to much so
after listening to 75% of the tracks of John Robles CD
( when I first got it awhile back I thought it
would be in order to give the CD another listen while we cleaned. Well I
was soooooo enjoying it and then in one of the tracks either John or
Jorge Mijangos sang out something like "el pueblo mas bonito, Santa
Paula" and it brought back memories of my Dad who was born in Santa
Paula and Mom who worked there and they were married there and started
their family their. But as the CD played on I just kept marveling that
it just kept on "staying good" track after track. So then I'm thinking
that and suddenly Figen chimed in "I really like that music." Wow. She
is from Turkey and has no reason to like something Mexican other than it
being good and this Music is good especially if you like the Veracruz
folk harp (arpa jarocha). . .hard not to dance around listening to it.

John and I have been talking about him doing an Audio presentation for
the podcast project on the History of the
music style he plays from Veracruz.

Just wanted to give others my feed back that this music is definitely
worth adding to your collection (and no I'm not on the payroll or a
stock holder, neither did I get a discount or a percentage).

have a listen,



Joseph Puentes (Environment Podcast) (Latin American History)