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Hacienda " Los Campos"

By Felipe Reyes Romo - Posted on 29 September 2006

Dear Cousin John:

The origin of the Hacienda de "Los Campos" is wide mentioned in a titled
manuscript " Historia de Montesa" by Don Guadalupe Diaz of Leon in the year
of 1895. In fact it is an historical story of the origin of the family Diaz
of Leon and other ancient surnames of Aguascalientes, Zacatecas and
Jalisco.That valious story includes the years from 1620 to 1890 and contains
information of incredible testimonial value. I have an “scanned” file .
This document is 700 pages thick. Tell me if you need that I sen it to you
E-mail or "upload it" the familiar archives of "Nuestros Ranchos", for
permanent consultation of our genealogists cousins. Our causin Jorge Mendoza
already is consulting it.
Felipe reyes Romo

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