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Seriously Considering a PolicyChange/Seriamente en vista de un cambio policial

By alicebb - Posted on 24 September 2006

John, I know exactly how you feel. I've recently started my genealogy research and hit nothing but brick walls! For whatever reason--political or family squabbles, it appears my mother: an intelligent, professional woman from a once prominent family (Onate), was misinformed as to where she was born! I thought I had hit the jackpot when I received the FHC microfilm for Villa Garcia, Zac. for the years before and after her birth, and she's not there! Neither are her two brothers. I've checked the town's 1930's census--no Onate's whatsoever. This family, like many others, lost their fortunes and family records, if any, in the revolution. Now I've ordered an Aguascalientes El Sagrario (the church where my ggrandfather is entombed) microfilm that covers 300 years. I wonder how long it's going to take to get through that one, working only a couple hours a week (the evening operating hours of my FHC)? I haven't contributed much to the site, not for lack of effort, but lack o
f any su
ccess. Any help from anyone would be greatly appreciated. Alice B. Blake

--- wrote:

From: john robles
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Seriously Considering a PolicyChange/Seriamente en vista de un cambio policial
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2006 09:08:39 -0700 (PDT)

I for one am not sure how to share my info. Plus, I only have one generation in Mexico, and no siblings. The places my grandparents were born are not listed in the Ex Haciendas, and I haven't been able to make a connection yet. So I am not sure if I should quit or wait and see if someone hooks their info to mine!
Any pointers on how to get started in the group??
John Robles

Emilie Garcia wrote:
I am with you all the way, Linda. I just cannot understand the reluctance on the part of some to share their genealogical research. I have made so many new contacts with people that have helped me after I posted my information to WorldConnect via Ancestry World Tree or to the many message boards available. (Although if I knew how to upload gedcoms on my own I could have posted directly to WorldConnect thus bypassing allows me to use their online genealogy program Family Tree which is user friendly, and I don't have to buy a program for my computer where it could crash, etc.

I have given some folks new information (new to them) and vice versa, just as we have seen happen in this group. We help each other fill in the blanks and break down the brick walls, and it furthers the enthusiasm for this kind of work. I have instilled in many younger people the interest and passion for this. We are not going to live forever, so if I can help others this way, I consider I have done my part for posterity.

There are very few people who, after I have spent days doing their research at no charge whatsoever, don't at least e-mail me back to thank me and let me know they got and appreciate the information. I don't care. At least I feel gratified by the majority who do thank me, and who I know will continue the search. The agradecidos even hold family reunions and share all the info I gave them; I have reunited many clans this way. Some folks have lived in the same town for generations and never knew they were related.

How many instances have we seen where someone has done so much work, hoping to "one day" compile it into a copyrighted book, only to get ill and die before they accomplish it and have all that work languish in boxes in uninterested relatives' homes or where all that research is just destroyed? By uploading all my info to WorldConnect and to Nuestros Ranchos, I have left my work in a safe repository where no disaster in my home or to my computer or to me can touch it. I have not ever "stolen" anyone's information, only reviewed it for links to my ancestors. When I find a possible link, I do all the subsequent research myself by reviewing and obtaining copies of the actual records in order to be sure of the correctness of the info.

Thank you Joseph, Arturo, Linda, Jessica and all of you who do the best you can to put those names and places online (however skimpily) for the benefit of everyone.

Emilie Garcia
Port Orchard, WA ----
----- Original Message -----
From: Erlinda Castanon-Long
Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2006 11:20 AM
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Seriously Considering a PolicyChange/Seriamente en vista de un cambio policial

I think it's a wonderful requirement to make posting what we want to share of our genealogy work. Some people like Jessica are new and learn from our research, others learn from the things we share about how to go abt finding and reading information. By requiring people to share it stops those who would only take and not share.. I'm sure there is something to be learned by all of us from each person who has agreed to work as part of this group.

Personally I like sharing whatever I have since I know time and money limits many people. Because of that I've posted my records of close to 38,000 names on ancestry world tree, the free site of I do know that they put them on their pay site too but my records are wasted if I hoard them for myself. I do understand that others make a living researching for others and may use and sell whatever I post, I'm okay with that.. as long as someone somewhere gets a chance to find and reclaim their family.. I'm just part of a chain that helps people from Mexico reclaim and remember their families.. just my opinion..

Linda in B.C.

Jessica Castaneda > wrote:
"I haven't submitted anything yet since I really haven't had time to do any
research. All I still know if what I submitted when I first subscribed. . I subscribed hoping to be able to add my information and be able to learn from others searching for ancestors in the same area. I have learned a lot just from reading the posts of members of the group and hope that I will not get the axe. I thank you for your patience with those of us that rarely enter into group conversation-and provide really no information on our "antepasados" although I can say for myself I enjoy learning from all of you."

Thanks- Jessica Castaneda

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