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You don't look Mexican

By Corrine Ardoin - Posted on 08 September 2006

I keep trying to send this message. I hope I'm not jamming up things
resending and resending.

Hi, I have been catching up with reading the archival messages, though I
have to be honest I am not reading every single one, but I did find many of
interest I would like to add my own comments to. One told how people say,
"but you don't look Mexican." Well, I have had many people tell me that,
too, and what is hurtful about it, is that they say it as a compliment!
Like, they mean, "Don't worry, Corrine, you don't look at all Mexican, so
you can rest easy." Can you believe it? Well, it's true. I didn't know
that others had this experience, so I am very thankful to them for sharing
about that and about my Mexican ancestors that came to the United States and
became ashamed of being Mexican. I, too, am saying, "This has gone on long
enough in this family. Now's the time to come out of hiding and be proud of
our heritage."

Corrine Ardoin