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31 January 2007 Reminder

By makas_nc - Posted on 27 August 2006

[Can someone Translate this for me?]

Right now the group is hovering around 160 members. . .but I predict
(please group members make me a false prophet). . .I predict that on the
32nd of January 2007 there will be 35% fewer members in the group. .
.WHY??? Because 35% of the new members will fail to do one of three things:

1) Understand that when they agreed to send in a representative tree
showing their connection to our area of research that I completely meant
they needed to do this within a reasonable time (i.e. 31 January 2007)
or be removed from the group.

2) They failed to communicate with me (makas(remove) or
moderator(remove) making a reasonable request for
additional time.

3) Send in their Genealogy Report.

Now I just want to take a second to say that the Nuestros Ranchos group
DOES NOT want your life's genealogical work sent in. Nor do we require
you to send in your gedcom (though several have and this is becoming a
popular way of meeting the requirement). All that is required is a
"REPRESENTATIVE" tree preferably in "genealogy report" form in either
.doc or .rtf format showing your connection to Jalisco, Zacatecas,
and/or Aguascalientes. This representative tree can be written into a
Word document or just into an email. It doesn't have to be fancy and can
be as simple as just listing your grandparents and great grandparents
along with their places and times of birth. . .heck while you're at it
toss in a few of their children and siblings just to flesh it out a bit.
That will take you all of 20-30 minutes to compose if you are a
"serious" researcher, but if you are not, well you might have trouble
and might need to strive toward becoming one by getting more involved.

If you are a new researcher and are in the process of finding
information all you need to do is send me an email and ask for an
extension. Believe me my bark is very much worse than my bite.

Another Note: When you send in your Genealogy Report make absolutely
sure that you "DO NOT INCLUDE LIVING RELATIVES" in the report!!! Very
important for security and privacy sake!!!

If you want to complete the whole process yourself (RECOMMENDED) then go
to the "Files" and then to "Members Genealogies" and see the "WRITTEN IN
STONE" format for the way your folder should look: Your Name (places of
your Nuestros Ranchos research) - PLEASE FOLLOW THIS FORMAT or I'll go
in later and change it. After you see the correct format then go to the
home page or any page of the site and click on "create content" and then
click on "File Folder."

If you have any questions about how to do this ASK!

sincerely and seriously getting down to business,

joseph - moderator

ps: If anyone out there would like to make a translated copy of this
please email me.

pps: i'll be sending out this reminder in September, October, November,
December, and finally one last time at the beginning of 2007. Probably
around the 24th of November I'll start sharpening my Ax.