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Haro Ancestors

By arturoramos - Posted on 17 July 2006

If your Ana de Haro died in 1716 she cannot be the same Ana de Haro that I have nor can she be the daughter of Juan de Miramonte since he was born circa 1550 and all of his children appeared marrie by 1629 so your Ana de Haro would have to have been over 100 years old when she died to be Juan de Miramonte's daughter. She is probably a granddaughter or great-granddaughter of Juan de Miramonte and Maria de Haro y Saucedo, not their daughter.

From: George Luna
Date: 2006/07/17 Mon PM 01:20:50 CDT
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Haro Ancestors

Hi Arturo,
This is very interesting but confusing. I have the death document (1716,
Jerez) for Ana de Aro which has her married to Diego de la Torre. What
are the dates on your records and are these really two Ana de Aros?

arturoramos wrote:
> I have recently found a document in Archivos Espanoles en Red for Nicolas de Haro, who was son of Hernando de Haro and grandson of Juan de Miramonte and Maria de Haro y Saucedo. He states that his great-grandparents were Francisco Bobadilla and Maria Saucedo, which matches this claim:
> The parents of Anna Francisca de Haro were Juan de Miramontes and Maria Rodriguez de Haro Y Saucedo. Juan's parents are Francisco de Miramontes and Maria de Rivera. Maria Rodriguez's parents are Francisco de Bobadilla and Maria O Haro de Saucedo de Llavo.
> I do not have Ana Francisca de Haro down as a child of Juan de Miramonte and Maria de Haro y Saucedo, but I do have her down married to a Juan Ortiz de San Pedro, who was the brother of Cecilia Lopez (the second wife of Hernando de Haro and stepmother of Nicolas de Haro)... two pairs of siblings married to each other. It makes sense, particularly since I believe that the Ortiz de San Pedro and Haro Miramontes were the only Spanish families in Tlaltenango in the early 1600s.