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Petronila Moctezuma

By NathanJones - Posted on 15 July 2006

Has anyone actually gone down to Aguascalientes to see what they can dig up on Petronila Moctezuma?

She is my number one interest historically, and genealogically. And I think she is the same for a lot of others.

I am willing to chip in to send someone down to ferret out what we need. I have two excllent researchers in our group in mind, both residents of the Lone Star State.

If you've read the book on La Malinche by that Australian woman, I think her name is Ana Layton, you know what I mean. I read that book from cover to cover, I could not put it down. I read it over, and over, trying to glean every ounce of information.

That Aussie woman is awesome! She dug so deep that she even discovered the unmarked grave of Dona Marina. She found her last residence, now a school in Mexico City.

If she could dig up all that on La Malinche, la madre de nuestra raza mezclada, then I believe the same can be done for our precious Petronila, princess of the past.

Tenemoms miembro en Aguasclaientes que nos puede ayudar buscar datos sobre Petronila Moctezuma?

O en el DF para buscar en los archivos nacionales? Hay arboles genalogicos originales en los archivos en Nahuatl.

Agrecemos tu ayuda.