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For Yolie: Preparing for Visit to FHC

By meef98367 - Posted on 06 July 2006

This is what I have found necessary to take to the FHC:

briefcase, with dividers, pockets;
three pens, two black, one red;
a turquoise Sharpie;
mini dry-line correction tapes (you will make boo-boos)
small post-it notes in two colors
an oblong magnifying glass (some FHCs don't have the 60x viewers that really blow images up);
a clip board with loose-leaf pre-printed forms for transcribing records (see form in Nuestros Ranchos files);
a folder to carry extra pre-printed forms;
a pale green sheet of paper (to place on the reader surface to cut the glare)
scratch paper;
individually wrapped anti-bacterial wipes to wipe down surfaces, handles, etc. on readers and keyboards
lists or pedigree charts of individuals known to you for each of your lines, with birthdates, places, etc.
(I now carry a small binder with printouts of the WorldConnect trees I have placed online).
warm sweater to ward off drafts (some places have the air-conditioning on full blast);
bottled water; thermos for hot drink; (do not place near keyboard, only near readers)
lunch bag with sandwich, salad, fruit and or snacks, etc.;
your cell phone;
checkbook and/or cash to pay for copies made and ordering, renewing films

Once you order films, you will be given a patron's copy of the order slip (usually pink). It lists the film number, the locality (title of record), your name and phone number, and it will indicate in a check box if it is a short term, first renewal or extended (permanent) loan. I keep the various slips clipped together in the aforementioned categories, with a piece of scratch paper clipped to the top of each batch to indicate what is in each batch. With the turquoise sharpie, I write in "done" when I complete viewing the entire film, and make a separate batch for those.

If I have to stop in the middle of a film, I place a strip of 1/2 inch by 1 1/2 inch paper folded over the place in the film where I have to pick up viewing again. Then I don't have to write down what page, etc I was on. I then carefully rewind the film making sure the slip of paper stays in place.

The people in the FHC will show you how to load and unload the film from the readers, and how to make photocopies of records you want to keep. I have so many direct ancestors on each film (they lived in the same locality for hundreds of years), that I just transcribe the records, five to a sheet. (Today I filled five sheets). I only photocopy those records where I have had a brick wall, kind of like keeping an award to frame for a goal accomplished.

I am technically challenged and have not gone the advanced route that Arturo and Joseph and others have, such as taking tripods and digital cameras to photograph images from the readers, etc. None of the FHCs where I have gone have the kind of digital copiers either. I have to unload the film from the reader and load it onto another reader that can also photocopy the frames on the films. I have also seen advanced researchers take their laptops or other little gadgets to download things to, but I know nothing of that. I get along just fine anyway.

Good luck on your research,

Emilie Garcia
Port Orchard, WA ---