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Fw: July 29th meeting

By oldcar53 - Posted on 13 June 2006

Are you also new to Nuestros Ranchos, If you are, welcome to this caring group of people who call themselves Genealogists.

I was born in a rancheria just outside of Tlachichila called Los Cardos and have lived in San Jose, Ca since I was 2 years of age. My father and padrino, (dad's brother) came first and worked in Los Gatos for the Novitiate Vineyards, they made the wine for the Catholic Church which was then consecrated for the priests' use in the mass.

Among the family names we have are Avelar, Aguayo, Aguirre, Bargas, Carrillo, De la Cruz, Duran, Esparza, Frias, Garcia, Gomez, Guerrero, Hernandez, Jauregui, Luevano, Macias, Muños, Martinez, Olasava, Olmos, Ortega, Rubalcava, Ruano, Ruiz, Ruiz de Esparza, Sigala & Valades. I say we because both me and my husband are from the same region, he was born in Rancho La Trinidad and I in Los Cardos.

I live in Northern California and belong to the Northern California genealogists, an off shoot of Ranchos. We meet quarterly and the next meeting as noted below will be in Brentwood on July 29th. If you are interested I can ask Maria Cortez, the group facilitator and coordinator to add you to the list.
Here is a copy of the posting she recently sent out to the attendees along with the attachment that has the meeting place and the agenda.

Maria, See Enrique's inquiry below regarding the meeting in Brentwood in July. Enrique, please respond as soon as possible to Maria if you are interested in attending this meeting, her e-mail address is cc'd above. We would be glad to have you as a new member.

Alicia Avelar Olmos de Carrillo

I am very curious about the meeting referenced below. I was born in Nochistlan, I have traced a bulk of my family (Legaspi, Frias, Huerta, Mejia, Jauregui, plus) over the years....This meeting in Brentwood California?

Enrique Legaspi

Hello all,

As our meeting date approaches I need to get a count of those of you who plan to attend our next meeting. We will be meeting at the Raley's event center in Brentwood. The room holds up to 18 people. The time and place are:

Event Date: Saturday July 29, 2006
Event Time: 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
Place: Raley's Event Center
2400 Sand Creek Road
Brentwood, CA (near Antioch)

Please let me know by Friday, June 9th if you plan to attend so that I can ensure we don't exceed the room's capacity.

I need a volunteer to take the minutes at the meeting and volunteers to present items of interest.

I am attaching the first draft of our next agenda. Please review and let me know of any additions or corrections. Thank you.
