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Call for Volunteers -- 1940 Census

By makas_nc - Posted on 12 June 2006

6 years before the 1940 Census becomes available. Anyone wanting to get
involved in a good cause related to that release should email Joel and
let him know that I referred you. I worked on the 1930 census project


ps: what does this have to do with Jalisco, Zacatecas, and or
Aguascalientes? Well nothing. I think the Announce and General list are
available for brief divergences from our target area. I'd hope that the
Research list stays pretty tightly in sight of the Target.

pps: anyway my Grandparents are in the 1940 Census somewhere and they
were from Jalisco. . .take that! See how easy it was to bring almost any
message "on target"? Use your imagination and or generalize your
questions and you can ask just about anything. General genealogy
questions that are not geographic specific are always on Target.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fw: Call for Volunteers -- 1940 Census
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 14:10:24 -0700
From: Joel Weintraub
Reply-To: Joel Weintraub
To: , Joseph Puentes ,
CC: Stephen P. Morse

Hi Group,

First, thanks for your past efforts to make the US Census more available to
genealogists searching by geographical techniques.

Now that I'm fully retired, I'm turning my attention to another large
project. I've been discussing this with Steve Morse, and we have decided to
tackle the 1940 Census. The good news is that the ED descriptions are block
by block for many, many cities in 1940. There were only 60 plus cities in
1930 that all the streets were shown on the NARA boundary descriptions. I
anticipate that we will have over 200 cities in that situation (all over
50,000) for 1940. Thus we won't have to worry about getting street names
off of maps. Second, Steve, Dave Kehs and I have been working on a utility
that should make transcribing the block by block descriptions easier.

We know that it's 6 years before the 1940 census becomes public.... but if
we can do this project during the next few years, it will be money in the

I'm in the process of scanning all the necessary descriptions off of the
1940 NARA ED boundary description films. When that is done, I'll start
giving out those resources and guides to the volunteers.

Steve sent the following message to the volunteers that worked on the Ellis
Island One Step project, and I'm forwarding the message to you to ask for
your help.

Thanks in advance....

Joel Weintraub