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Hola ~~~Que Pasa??

By mistyriver123 - Posted on 08 June 2006

What happened to all the old dialog we use to have in the Yahoo Group? What is going on with the groups quietness?
Do miss hearing from you all.

In my research, I have found that I share common ancestors with El Santo Mateo Correra Magallanas. With gratitude to Kitty & Rich Cortez, I now have a copy of El Santos baptismal record, and a copy of his signature when he was a priest, and baptizing in his parish.

Also from this line, one of the Magallanas daughters married a Robles, which was the beginning of my Robles line. I also have another line of Magallanas, which I have not been able to tie with the above mentioned line.

On my maternal side, I now have found 134 grandparents. One of which was listed as "se ignora" on her grandchild's baptismal, around 1820. Very interesting...

Another grandmother was listed as 70 years of age in 1753, and listed as a "partera". And the research continues~~~
Saludos, Helyn

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