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BackSlash: FTM

By makas_nc - Posted on 13 April 2006


here are the answers I received from the FTM list about the back slash issue
I think we need to experiment with it with the first names as well

maybe something like

\Maria Josefa\ \Sanchez de Castillo Cruz\

this has some great possibilities


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My original questions:

Subject: BackSlash/Upgrade: 2 questions
From: Joseph Puentes
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 13:19:44 -0500
X-Message-Number: 7

I was listening to the "Genealogy Guys" podcast and they were saying
something about the use of the backslash in names to force FTM to accept
a name as it is. Can someone explain that a little further? For example
in my Hispanic Genealogy the fathers surname takes the middle position
and the mothers maiden surname take the last position: e.g. if my dad
was Antonio Perez and my mom was Louisa Diaz my name would be Joseph
Perez Diaz

so if I were to insert that into FTM and want to make FTM recognize the
last or surname to be Perez Diaz instead of just Diaz would I write it
like this:

Joseph \Perez Diaz\ ????


Second question. I'm still using FTM 11 and have a copy of the version
that followed that I never upgraded to. I have been hesitating since a
cousin also has FTM 11 and I didn't want to force him to upgrade as
well. Well Now that there is a FTM 2006 I"m wondering what I should do.
Can I go directly from FTM 11 to FTM 2006? or do I need to upgrade
twice: To FTM 2005 and then to FTM 2006 (that is assuming there was
nothing between FTM 11 and FTM 2005)?

Will someone using FTM 11 that receives something on a CD from me using
FTM 2006 be able to read it or will they be forced to upgrade as well.


Joseph Puentes


Their Answers:

Subject: Re: BackSlash/Upgrade: 2 questions
From: "John Okerson"
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 13:26:59 -0500
X-Message-Number: 8

From: "Joseph Puentes"

>> so if I were to insert that into FTM and want to make FTM recognize the
>> last or surname to be Perez Diaz instead of just Diaz would I write it
>> like this:
>> Joseph \Perez Diaz\ ????

Sure, that is exactly how it works. When you do it the first time, you can
tell the chage has been effected, because FTM asks you if you wish to change
the name. In a similar fashion, if you wanted to make him Joseph \Perez\
Diaz, FTM would ask again as it is a different surname. Another way is to
check in the Index of Individual when you have the person already selected -
either highlighted or with the cursor in his/her name box. The F2 key, or
the Index of Individuals icon, will take you to their place in the list of
folks. You NEED to check this!

>> =========================
>> Can I go directly from FTM 11 to FTM 2006? or do I need to upgrade twice:
>> To FTM 2005 and then to FTM 2006 (that is assuming there was nothing
>> between FTM 11 and FTM 2005)?

You may go directly from FTM 11 to FTM 2006, without difficulty.

>> Will someone using FTM 11 that receives something on a CD from me using
>> FTM 2006 be able to read it or will they be forced to upgrade as well.

When YOU export the data for your friend, you need to save it for him/her in
FTM 11 format and NOT open it thereafter. Reopening converts the newly made
Version 11 file a 2006 file. Can it be done? Absolutely YES! Hay que darse
cuidado - nada mas. Just be careful. You can read his data and he can read
yours as long as you are careful with it.


Subject: Re: BackSlash/Upgrade: 2 questions
From: "Candy Jens"
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 15:24:04 -0400
X-Message-Number: 9