You are hereForums / History, Culture and General Discussion / Ranchos Yahoo Closing: CountDown - 3 Days to Go

Ranchos Yahoo Closing: CountDown - 3 Days to Go

By makas_nc - Posted on 29 March 2006

Don't worry. . .soon the group will be back to what most will consider
to be normal. As far as email delivery I don't think anyone will be
able to tell the difference between the Yahoo Ranchos and the Nuestros
Ranchos sites. (And yes those pesky double postings will stop, but
during this transition time they have been necessary). The main thing
is that you subscribe yourself to one, two or all three of the email
distribution lists and then "reply" to those confirmation emails.
Hijola, aren't you guys getting tired of hearing of those confirmation
emails? Once that is done you will never have to do anything again
unless you decide to change from individual emails to Digest or from
Digest to individual emails. In fact if you are ever going on vacation
or just don't want emails sent to you there is an option to set you
subscription to "no mail" and then you can just go to the site and read the messages online.

Anyway like I said on 31 March 2006 the Yahoo Groups will in effect
stop functioning as a group. If you take a look at the Yahoo
Description page you can see that it has been savagely modified to
point people to the site. My hope is that as
the small percent of the 30-50% of those that have not retrieved their
passwords get the message that the Yahoo group has closed they might go
to the website and see a message with the "arrow" pointing them in the
right direction.


Good luck and we'll see you on the other side (oops, that should have
been said on the last day).

If you are totally lost, confused, intimidated, afraid, sad, mad, or
just plain fed up, but really want your subscription to stay intact and
don't know what to do NEVER FEAR! ! ! Joseph, Rosalinda, and Arturo are
HERE! Yes just email us at and one of us
will be glad to move you. Remember doing genealogy research never
requires you to be proficient in the latest internet and computer
technology. If you just want us to move you we will!

but if you want to take a stab at it here are some directions:

Please DO NOT
create a new account. Your account is already
set up with your YahooGroups userid but you will have to request a new
password in order to log in. The new password will be sent to the email
registered on your YahooGroups account and once you receive your
password you can log and change it to whatever they like. In order to
do this:

  1. From the main page, click on “Request New Password” just below
    the login area.
  2. Enter your YahooGroups username or the email address registered
    on YahooGroups ranchos.
  3. Click on e-mail new password.
  4. You will receive an email with your new password.
  5. Log on with your YahooGroups username and the password received
    in the email.
  6. Click on “My account” (Second or third sidebar menu item)
  7. Click on the “Edit” tab and enter new password (in both fields
    provided) and click submit.
  8. Review other information in the Account Settings category.
    Change your language, time zone, etc. as necessary. Please do NOT
    change your email address. During the transition, the email addresses
    registered on this site and on YahooGroups must match or messages will
    be rejected by one site or another. This restriction will be lifted
    once the transition is complete.
  9. Review the information in the Personal Information category.
    Enter your name, location and geographic areas and surnames of
  10. Review the Mailing Lists settings, and subscribe to the mailing
    lists per the instructions below.
    This is very important. If you do not sign up for the mailing lists,
    any messages that you post will not get distributed to the group!

Instructions for signing up for the mailing lists is as

  1. Click on the mailing lists menu option on the right hand menu or
    click on the mailing lists menu item when editing your account in step
    8 above.
  2. Click on the type of subscription you would like for each of
    the three mailing lists. You must initially subscribe to receiving all
    email or daily digests. Once you have gone confirmed your subscription
    (next step) you can change back your settings to “No Email” which
    allows you to send messages to the list but not receive any messages
    from the list, i.e. you will be able to read messages only by going
    onto the website.
  3. You will receive a message asking for confirmation of your
    email address for each of the mailing lists to which you subscribe. If
    you sign up for all three, you will receive three separate messages.
    Simply reply to each message to confirm your subscription.
  4. Once you have registered for a list, the messages that you
    post will get distributed to the group. You can post in any of the
    three Forums or via email to any one of the three lists and the
    messages will automatically get posted to the website and get
    distributed to those signed up for the new Nuestros Ranchos list as
    well as the old YahooGroups list. The posting addresses are,, or

For instructions on navigating and posting content click here.