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Decide! YahooRanchos Closing Soon!

By makas_nc - Posted on 17 March 2006

Okay I just know that some of you are going to want to either try it
yourself or let one of us move you. The Yahoo Group is closing in
exactly two (2) weeks. After that time the group will be be closed to
email delivery and everyone's subscription will be set to "No Mail."
That means that to participate in the group you'll have to post to the
new group.

Make your decision today. If you want to try
yourself fine and you'll have a few more days to give it a try, but if
you want one of us to move you I would like to know now. just email me privately
at and say "move me." [See bottom of email for the info
I need if you want me to move you].

Please make your decision. (see bottom of email for that form letter
with the two choices)

so far these are the folks (33 out of 109 members) that have taken the
plunge and decided one way or the other. . .so if your name is not on
this list you need to send me a private
email at and make your decision:



Please choose one:

1) I'll try to move myself to the new list. . .give me some time and
I'll get back to you if unsuccessful


2) please move me

IF you choose number #2 here is what I need from you:

a) Your name like you'd like on your File folder

b) The email address you are currently subscribed to in Yahoo

c) Your Yahoo UserName/ID  not. . .not your password

d) Areas of research---give me the Ranchos and the Cabezera's for each

e) Surnames of research

f) any additional files you want uploaded to your folder


Escoja por favor uno:

1) Trataré de moverme a la lista nueva. . .deme algún tiempo y yo
volveré si tengo problemas


2) Muévame por favor

SI usted escoge el número #2 aquí está lo que necesito de usted:

a) Su nombre como usted querría en su carpeta del Archivo

b) La dirección correo electrónico que usted es se abona actualmente a
en Yahoo

c) Su Nombre del Usuario de Yahoo no su contraseña

d) Las áreas de investigación me dan el Ranchos y el Cabezera son para
cada Rancho

e) Los apellidos de investigación

f) algún archivo adicional usted quiere cargado a su carpeta