You are hereForums / History, Culture and General Discussion / Volunteers: Move to New Site

Volunteers: Move to New Site

By makas_nc - Posted on 11 March 2006

I would like everyone to do one of two things:

1) Volunteer to move to the new site on your own. . .at least try to
request a new password [do not "create a new account"] using
your current Yahoo ID as a User Name, Once the password is sent to you
then log in and change your password to something easier for you to
remember OR just keep the site generated password but carefully
write it down and save it in a safe place so you won't lose it.
After you are successfully logged in click on "create content" and then
on "file folder" and try to create a folder using the format most are
using in the "Member Genealogy files" area of the group.


2) Sent me a PRIVATE email at asking me to to help you with the above and to set up
your folder and upload your files. As long as you all are patient I'll
eventually get to all of you that need help being moved over to the new
site. Arturo, Rosalinda and I will work on this together if there are
too many for me to handle. Just email me PRIVATELY
at and I'll be glad to help you move.


Things are confusing now because we're trying to keep Yahoo open and
transition over to the new site. The faster we get folks to move on
their own and then get the rest moved over ourselves the sooner we'll
be somewhat back to normal and not all the double postings and such.

Progress is sometimes hard to take, but this really was necessary. I
hope you all take this move patiently. My goal has always been to keep
the ranchos group free of charge and that is becoming a long term
reality with all the generous hours and hours of programming effort and
skills Arturo has donated to the group. Let's work together to make
this move a success.

In the files area under "Members Genealogy Files" we have 15 of the
members files. I'm rather disappointed that at least 35%-40% of us
haven't taken steps to get themselves up and situated on the new site.

The Yahoo Group is going to close and sooner than you think. There is
not a firm date yet but I'm toying with the idea of sometime in April.

I really need your cooperation. I know what is going to happen. I'm
going to announce the date for the Yahoo site to close and everyone
will rush to get moved. I DON'T WANT THAT TO HAPPEN. FOR THOSE OF YOU
NOW. hijola, que paso, was I really yelling??? oops sorry. I guess a
little of my frustration got away from me.

it's the 11 of March. . .by the 18th of March I would like to see 30
members in the "Members Genealogy Files" area of the group. I think
that is a modest goal. Can we do it??? Yes of course we can with your
help and with Arturo, Rosalinda and I all working together.

So again trying on your own or just Email me PRIVATELY
at and I'll be glad to help you with this.

what do you all think???
