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Atolinga, Zacatecas

By lunalatina1955 - Posted on 08 March 2006

Yolanda, I was trying to add my files when I noticed
yours......particularly your Bugarin relatives.  So I decided to do a
search on Atolinga, as some of my relatives were born there as well.
Here's what I found - before the Spanish officially settled the area, it
appears that there was initially a group of "celtas" who settled there (Irish?)
and later "semitas (Jewish?).  Had you read this before??? I thought it was
Dice al ingeniero Montañés:
“ Después de la conquista, los españoles
vieron a Tlaltenango como tierra de promisión, colonizándola, dejando en el
monte de Atolinga, como muestra la colonización, extensa zona habitada hasta
nuestros días por moradores de la raza celta pura. Cabe explicar que hasta aquí,
inexplicablemente vinieron semitas, perpetuándose en familias que llevan
apellidos Leyva, Isais, Covarrubias, Castañeda, Bugarín”